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Co-locations for Maintec

26 September 2013

Following a highly successful 2013 show, easyFairs has announced two major show co-locations for Maintec 2014.

The first of these is Facilities Management. Organised by easyFairs, and taking place at the NEC alongside Maintec from 11-13 March, this new show, is aimed at facilities, property and estate managers. 

Matt Benyon, MD of easyFairs UK explains: "There is a huge overlap between the professionals attending Maintec and those involved in facilities management.  Furthermore a vast number of decision makers overseeing premises and facilities are based near the Midlands and as a result the launch of Facilities Management at the NEC will provide a perfect fit for their sourcing requirements. 

Maintec 2014 will also be co-located with the new Health & Safety Event. This is another smart fit as the UK's maintenance, plant and asset management community increasingly has to consider health and safety issues.

Visitors will have plenty to see on Maintec’s own show floor, including a return of the Business Strategy Conference which made an impressive debut this year, The Maintenance Exchange featuring a rich programme of practical presentations, the Maintec Maintenance Professional Awards, a growing HAZEX area, plus a hall of exhibitors.   

easyFairs’ Matt Benyon, concludes: "We had a tremendous 2013 show, but we never stand still. When looking at what we could do to drive even more visitors and provide yet more relevant show content, it’s fair to say that facilities management and health and safety topped our lists. 

"That’s why we’re extremely excited by these co-locations. Maintec 2014 will be a huge magnet for all those with an engineering, maintenance, facilities management or health and safety remit."