19 November 2019
Continuing to run equipment on recycled refrigerant, exempt from the imminent F-Gas ban on 1st January 2020, is an expensive risk to take due to expected supply and demand issues, warns Aggreko.
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11 July 2018
Here, Airedale International Air Conditioning suggests five checks to perform to ensure that the chiller you are puchasing is Ecodesign compliant
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07 March 2018
Helen McHugh, head of new product research at ebm-papst, explores the core benefits achievable through upgrading only the fan component of an HVAC system to EC (Electronically Commutated) Technology
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16 January 2018
Effective humidity control is a necessity for all work environments and is particularly important in many industrial environments, says John Barker of Humidity Solutions
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18 October 2017
Richard Betts, managing director of RABScreen, an external filter specialist, discusses the importance of airflow in heating and cooling systems
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25 January 2017
When optimising the efficiency and performance of heating systems in factories and warehouses it makes sense to take advantage of the latest technologies. Stuart Parris, general sales manager with Powrmatic, explains
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18 August 2016
Combining destratification with warm air heating can result in significant energy savings for buildings with high roofs, says Stuart Parris, general sales manager of Powrmatic. Here, he discusses the design considerations
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18 November 2015
HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) systems can devour more electricity than anything else in commercial premises, but how can you measure and control these costs? Advanced Engineering considers the question and outlines a solution
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05 October 2015
Hot factory, non-compliant warehouse, unbearable conditions on the mezzanine – all are common complaints from factory managers and their workforce – but what can be done about it that will not break the bank or get rejected by the finance department? Alan Beresford, technical and managing director at EcoCooling offers some suggestions
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12 January 2015
There are very few investment decisions that will affect a business’ bottom line costs for the next 10 to 20 years. Replacing the boiler is one, so Keith Higginson, commercial marketing manager at Calor Gas takes a look at some of the options available when installing an off-mains gas heating system.
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03 November 2014
Fan coil technology has made great advances in the last five years, particularly with respect to EC motors and the efficiency benefits they bring. However, Peter Lowther, chair of Ability Projects, says most fan coils currently installed in UK buildings are related to relatively inefficient AC previous product generations
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22 September 2014
Rob Shuttleworth, chief executive of UKLPG, the trade association for the liquefied petroleum gas industry, explains that when it comes to industrial environments, which could be in rural or off-grid locations, LP Gas offers a convenient, versatile, low carbon and easy-to-install energy source, which can also complement existing renewable infrastructure.
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26 August 2014
According to the Carbon Trust, heating rooms and hot water can account for up to 60% of total energy usage in a business premises. Inefficient ventilation can result in around 30% heat loss in many commercial buildings, and air conditioning can increase energy consumption and associated carbon emissions by up to 100%. Richard Metcalfe, sales director at ICS Cool Energy, explains some of the technologies that can improve energy efficiency
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05 June 2014
A major chiller replacement project at a Londonderry hospital has been delivered with the help of Carrier Rental Systems.
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18 February 2014
2014 is a critical year for any business still operating air conditioning or refrigeration equipment designed to use the refrigerant gas HCFC R22, as from 1st January 2015 this refrigerant will be banned throughout Europe and can no longer be legally used for service and maintenance purposes.Mike Nankivell, marketing director of Space Air, comments
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06 January 2014
With a relationship that stretches back more than 20 years, Trend Control Systems has played a key role in helping Jaguar Land Rover achieve significant energy savings and meet its sustainability based objectives.
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04 March 2013
Efficiently heating a large space such as a factory, warehouse or workshop brings a number of challenges; many such spaces make use of warm air space heaters as the preferred heating technology.
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