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Rapid machining service

25 January 2013

A new rapid machining service from igus UK means custom-designed components can be made and delivered in 24h with no minimum order, making speedicut a costeffective way of specifying one-offs, prototyping and low volume

A new rapid machining service from igus UK means custom-designed components can be made and delivered in 24h with no minimum order, making speedicut a costeffective way of specifying one-offs, prototyping and low volumes of components.

As with the speedigus rapid tooling system, speedicut uses a 2D or 3D model to produce a fast quotation; parts can be delivered within 24h. Engineers simply share their design, which can be a 2D or 3D CAD drawing, with igus experts via email (or at www.igus.co.uk/ speedicut), and specify material and other requirements. igus sends a quote within 24h and the advanced speedicut machining cell produces parts and delivery in the lead time selected, with options ranging from one to 10 days for 100 pieces.

The speedicut service uses materials such as iglidur tribological polymers which are designed for long life, are maintenance and lubricant free and have low co-efficient of friction.