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Goods lift goes to great height

04 March 2015

Completing the installation of a Gebhardt goods lift in an environmental research station at 2650m above sea level on Germany’s highest mountain, the Zugspitze, has underlined the versatility of this equipment range.


The lift has five exits and can carry up to 1500kg, enabling staff at the Schneefernerhaus to move materials and equipment easily between the three levels in the building.  The various elements had to be transported for several miles on a narrow-gauge railway line, partly in a tunnel, from the nearest village. As it is fully free-standing, no civil engineering work or welding was required, and the equipment was installed in five days.


In the UK Gebhardt-ECS has recently installed ConVer equipment for several high-profile companies, including Amazon, Asda, Norbert Dentressangle, Tesco and New Look, taking the total in this country over 300. 


ConVer lifts are fully free-standing and involve no civil engineering work or welding. The 146 and 147 models are available in goods-only and personnel versions with load capacities from 500 to 2000kg in a wide range of sizes. Maximum operating height is 20m, and there can be up to six stopping places and 12 access points. Optional features such as interior lights and safety light curtains are available.

For buildings and other structures where space is very limited Gebhardt has developed the ConVer 149 range, which have footprints as small as 550 x 550mm and operating heights to 12m. Maximum load capacities range from 50 to 350kg and car dimensions from 500mm wide x 500mm deep x 800mm high to 1000mm wide x 1000mm deep x 1200mm high. Up to nine locations can be served.