Developing technologies

05 August 2016

New and developing technologies will be the theme on the Sensor Technology stand at Sensors & Instrumentation 2016.

The company will be showing extensions to its LoadSense range, an updated version of its ORT 230/240 TorqSense range and enhancements to its wireless strain gauge amplifier.

The new ORT sensors are designed for duties requiring low torque and/or high bandwidth, and provide precise, dynamic measurement of rotary and static torque from 10mNm to 100Nm and for bandwidths of up to 50kHz. Their signal processing electronics demonstrate improved resolution, frequency response and faster data handling, yet have reduced power consumption.

Complementing the ORT sensors, Sensor Technology is also introducing new strain gauge amplifiers, which are wireless so offer many benefits in terms of ease of installation, use and reconfiguration.

LoadSense is a strain gauge based stainless steel tension type sensor with the capability of wirelessly transmitting its data (via 2.4 GHz) to a display. Alternatively, it can record data to its inbuilt 32MB memory for subsequent downloading and use/analysis. New this year, the range has been extended up to 30 tonnes.

LoadSense is now found throughout the worlds of manufacturing, automation, handling and test and measurement, but it was originally developed to measure the load on helicopter cargo hooks and transmit information to the pilots wirelessly (a hard wired solution would have required a hole to be drilled in the aircraft’s body, negating its Certificate of Airworthiness).

Stand A3.