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WEG to produce artificial ventilators for COVID-19 patients

08 April 2020

WEG has announced the signature of a technology transfer agreement with LEISTUNG Equipamentos Ltda., manufacturer of medical-hospital equipment, to produce artificial ventilators that will be used by patients tested positive for COVID-19.

The contract, signed between the companies, grants WEG the license to produce the ventilator based on the mechanical ventilation device “Luft-3” from LEISTUNG.

The Company will use the current structure of its factories in Jaraguá do Sul, in the state of Santa Catarina, to produce ventilators and works with the possibility of making adjustments to the project to speed up production. The plan is to immediately purchase all required components in order to produce 500 ventilators. Once the production line is installed by WEG, the company will have an estimated capacity to produce 50 ventilators per day and deliver in the second half of May.

“We now depend on obtaining electronic and pneumatic components, many of which are imported and are currently in short supply in the market”, says Manfred Peter Johann, managing director of WEG Automation.

The implementation of the production line will follow all heath hygiene protocols and other protective measures recommended by health authorities for industries.

Founded in 1961, WEG is a global manufacturer of electrical and mechanical equipment for industrial sectors across all continents.