More cylinder signalling

25 January 2013

Controls using AC voltages are still not uncommon, so when position indication is needed on pneumatic cylinders but feedback is 110V, a solution is at hand in the form of the MR range from ifm electronic. The MR range

Controls using AC voltages are still not uncommon, so when position indication is needed on pneumatic cylinders but feedback is 110V, a solution is at hand in the form of the MR range from ifm electronic.

The MR range is reported to be very simple to fit. If the cylinder has a T-shaped slot, the sensor just drops in and a twist of the fastening disc secures it. For tie-rods or other cylinder forms, ifm supplies adapters for many common cylinder types.

The insert moulding technique used to manufacture the MR range of reed switches renders them mechanically robust and absolutely sealed against moisture ingress. LED indication is standard, and in-line connectors are offered. Operating voltage of these two-wire devices ranges from 5 to 120V AC or DC (limited to 50V AC or 60V DC in the connector versions), which on DC will switch PNP or NPN.