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Sustainable cleaning and cost efficiency

25 January 2013

Tennant UK is now able to offer its customers the opportunity to further boost cash flow, reduce water use and reduce water bills through the DEFRA Enhanced Capital Allowance Scheme for Water Efficient Technologies.

Tennant UK is now able to offer its customers the opportunity to further boost cash flow, reduce water use and reduce water bills through the DEFRA Enhanced Capital Allowance Scheme for Water Efficient Technologies.

Tennant customers across a wide range of industries are able to claim 100% first year capital allowance on investments in technologies and products that encourage sustainable water use.

Customers can write-off the whole cost of their investment against taxable profits of the period during which they make the investment rather than spreading it over up to 12 years. The scheme covers all Tennant pedestrian FaST and ec-H2O machines purchased since September 2009.

Tennant's ec-H2O technology electrically converts plain tap water into a powerful cleaning agent by temporarily altering the molecular structure of water.

Once activated, the water is said to attract dirt better than commonly-used chemical detergents. The technology is available on Tennant floor scrubbing machines.