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Manufacturing risks: New video

07 April 2015

As part of the British Safety Council’s drive to raise young people’s awareness of health and safety risks, it is offering a new video – Manufacturing risks: an apprentice’s view – which features Leila, a young apprentice engineer, walking a production line while she talks about risk and learning new skills.

Matthew Holder, head of campaigns at the British Safety Council, says: "Video is a great way to get an insight into what work and good health and safety actually looks like. With the help of JCB, we made the film ‘Manufacturing risks’ on site with Leila in order to immerse the viewer in a modern, highly technical and large manufacturing plant. 


"This way we bring home the message that health and safety is not a bit of red-tape but a very real part of any worker’s skill base. Evidence tells us that good working conditions are good for productivity. 


"The video is the latest in our campaign Speak Up, Stay Safe. We would like all those involved in the education of apprentices and workers or who intend to raise people’s awareness of workplace issues more generally – both inside and outside business – to use this video.”


Manufacturing risks: an apprentice’s view is freely available and is aimed at apprentices, employers or learning providers responsible for their training or induction.