Photoelectric sensors

29 July 2015

OID and O5D photoelectric sensors from ifm electronic offer reliable long-range background suppression and colour-independent detection with easy switch point setting.

The PMDLine sensors even detect shiny surfaces such as stainless steel without difficulty.  Both the OID and O5D will sense an object at a distance of 2m, even against a background, and as such are used to replace retro-reflective sensors.

The new developments employ time-of-flight technology to combine the advantages of long ranges, reliable background suppression, visible red light and high excess gain all in one unit.

Another advantage is its ease of use and switch point setting to the nearest centimetre. The O5D features "+/-" buttons and a display, while the OID can be set with a simple turn of the setting ring. A scale shows the distance set, in centimetres or inches. The switch point can be set prior installation.

Shiny, matt, dark or light objects of any colour – the O5D/OID sensors always ensures optimum background suppression. The technology allows any angle of incidence, providing high flexibility of installation. The sensor is also IO-Link enabled, e.g. for reading the current value or remote setting and activating time delays.

The O5D is supplied as a classic rectangular photocell, while the OID is in an M30 housing. Both are designed for DC PNP operation, with both open and closed outputs available via the industry-standard M12 connector.  In addition the M30 OID is available in an alternative IP69K version for wet areas. Laser safety is not an issue: both OID and O5D are available as laser class 1 or class 2.